What Lies Here? Dandelion Days Moon Time
Cape Chacon A stalwart dandelion See the moon
Built in '20s Standing in a windy day Shining down
No slacken With blackberries all around All too soon
Fish aplenty In stickery sharp display Sunlight drowns
Been ashore This circle, golden, light Back she comes
Many years Becomes a globe of white seeds Fuller now
Ribs are sore It's jagged leaves, are on sight Heaven's hum
Dripping tears A lion's tooth, and a weed In sweet bow
Gone aground Its bloom is like the sun Dance on high
High and dry It's seeds like the spreading moon In blue skies
From the sound Pick and blow with great fun Telling why
In by-n-byes The stars of this lovely boon It's all wise
Years' harvest The freedom of flying seeds Seeing more
In the holds Brings great cheer and happiness Then our eye
E're farthest Health can come from the deeds Opens doors
Bracing cold Of this healing herb's redress To sweet sighs
Masts folding De-tox -ification Night again
Kneeling down Anti-inflammation, too Brings the pull
Sea's scolding What a healthy vacation For moon's ken
Soon to drown From your body's ow’s and oohs! Of living full
Bright beauty This symbol of endurance [ken: the range of vision]
Seaworthy Determination such as this
Mast's sooty Gives one great endurance
Lines swarthy Of overcoming challenges
Where's she gone A flower of good wishes,
Why now here Much hope and prosperity
Dust to dawn Brings the fortune of the fishes
No more gears ‘Cross the breast of living seas
Rest with scows
High ashore
Sleepy prows
Start to snore